Personalized Softball Poster - Easton Speed 02

Personalized Softball Poster – Easton Speed 02

From our Turf War V escapades, we were able to meet a great group of girls and parents in the Easton Speed ’02 team. We were fortunate to be able to create a personalized softball poster of our Moving Target design for Nina Mothershed featuring her daughter Kendall! Good luck the rest of the season Kendall and Easton Speed ’02!

The Easton Speed ’02 softball team is a second year 10U team based out of Tennessee that plays in various tournaments around the southeast. You can find more information on them on Facebook at their Easton Speed ’02 page.  Good luck ladies as the season moves on…and remember…“Work hard. Play hard. Dream big.”

A big thanks to the Jay and the staff for Turf Wars V for inviting us to be a part of the festivities! It was great getting to see all of you who stopped by again this year to see us and for those we got to meet this year. The feedback and discussions about our different designs and products was very informative. We love learning about new ways to better serve all of you out there!